This Radio Programme is AWESOME

Sustainable World Radio is by far one of the best things I’ve heard coming out of the radio lately. Most stuff I listen to is all about injustice, government, and all around bad news. Very interesting and necessary so as to be informed on what’s going on in the world. However this can get to…

What’s this money thing all about?

I asked my self some questions a while back that got me researching currencies for a while now. What’s the point? How do they work? Who controls the flow? And several more… Recently, thanks to Transition California I found some easy to understand and quite informative resources. The money fix is entertaining and best of…

events and stuff

So I’ve set up a calendar. All events that fall within the theme of this blog will go there, and some others… Hope you get some use out of it.

Jeremy Rifkin on “the empathic civilization”

Empathy or apathy? We make the move. I’ve actually got the book and I’ll admit to not having read it yet. It’s quite large. This video however seems to make the case quite well. I’ll read it one day and report back, I promise…